broken woman sitting on the floor

The 9 Most Life-Complicating Effects of Personality Disorders

Personality disorders are mental illnesses characterized by steadfast and unhealthy thought, behavior and emotion patterns. These disorders affect how individuals interact with others, perceive themselves and the world around them and cope with stress. While there are many types of personality disorders, all of them can complicate an individual’s life in significant ways.

Life-Complicating Effects of Personality Disorders

Here are the nine most life-complicating effects of personality disorder.

Impaired Relationships

People with personality disorders often have difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships. They may struggle with trust, intimacy and emotional expression, making it challenging to connect with others deeply.

Chronic Emotional Distress

Individuals with personality disorders may experience intense and frequent emotional distress, including feelings of anxiety, depression, anger and shame. This can lead to difficulty regulating their emotions and coping with everyday stressors.

Impaired Work and School Performance

People with personality disorders may struggle to perform well academically or professionally. They may need help focusing, meeting deadlines and collaborating with others.

Impaired Decision-Making

Individuals with personality disorders may struggle with decision-making, as they may have difficulty weighing the pros and cons of different options and anticipating the potential outcomes.

Substance Abuse

People with personality disorders are at higher risk of developing substance abuse problems to cope with emotional distress and impulsivity.

Risky Behavior

Individuals with personality disorders may engage in risky behaviors like reckless driving, unprotected sex or drug use.


People with personality disorders may engage in self-harm behaviors, such as cutting, burning or hitting themselves, to cope with emotional distress.


People with personality disorders may have difficulty forming meaningful relationships, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

People with personality disorders are at higher risk of experiencing suicidal thoughts and engaging in suicidal behaviors.

Earth’s Edge Wellness’s Mental Health Services Simplify Life

Personality disorders require professional treatment. If you or a close friend have a personality disorder, you must seek help. Earth’s Edge Wellness offers comprehensive mental health services, including diagnosis, treatment and ongoing support. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward healing and recovery.